Novated leasing calculator

Calculate the savings on your next car.

Your Annual Salary
Your State
Pay Frequency
Lease Term
Estimated Kilometres Travelled Per Year
Vehicle Type
Estimated Vehicle Price


Net Cost per Pay

Packaged price inclusions.









Savings per Pay


Savings per Year


Savings Lease duration
Pay period is based on your selected pay schedule in the calculator.
Our Privacy Policy contains important information about how we collect, hold, use and disclose the personal information that you are providing to us by submitting this form. Figures in this calculator are an estimate only – please enquire with Paywise to gain a comprehensive quotation of the costs associated with the vehicle of your choice and its running costs.

All figures and images are indicative only. For a detailed estimate please request a quote from Paywise.

Before making a decision you should consult your independent legal, taxation and financial advisor for advice relating to your personal circumstances. Conditions, fees and charges may apply and finance is available to approved applicants only. FBT exemptions for Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) subject to eligibility criteria.