Salary packaging calculator

Your Employer Details

Choose an employer type that best describes your organisation:

Your Details

Now we need a little more detailed information about you.

Your Employer
Your gross annual salary
Pay Frequency
Your State


Select from the list of benefits below to add them to your package

Novated Lease

Now you can choose the benefits you want to package

Would you like to salary package a novated leased car?

Novated Car Lease

Your Annual Salary
Your State
Pay Frequency
Lease Term
Estimated Kilometres Travelled Per Year
Vehicle Type
Estimated Vehicle Price

Your Results

Total Annual Savings

Total savings with salary packaging

Total annual tax savings with salary packaging

The increase to your take-home pay with salary packaging

Gross salary required without salary packaging

*Please note this does not include your Paywise Membership fee. The Paywise calculator also does not take into account if you have Commonwealth Government Assistance / Centerlink or means tested benefits. This calculator should be taken as a guide only.
Disposable Income

Without Paywise

With Paywise
Show Detailed Savings

Calculate Savings:

Without Packaging With Packaging
Total Income
Pre Tax Expenses
Less FBT
Less GST
Plus Tax Credits
New Gross Salary
Net Amount
After Tax Expenses
Cash In Hand
Apply Now

Your Details

Now we need a little more detailed information about you.

First Name:
Last Name:

Simple Salary Packaging.

Packaged price inclusions.







Contact our team today.

1300 132 532

Our Privacy Policy contains important information about how we collect, hold, use and disclose the personal information that you are providing to us by submitting this form. Figures in this calculator are an estimate only – please enquire with Paywise to gain a comprehensive quotation of the costs associated with Salary Packaging items of your choice.

See how much you can save with our salary sacrifice calculator.

Our salary packaging calculator is designed for eligible employees in Australia and allows you to easily see how much you can save when you salary package with Paywise. The amount of savings and the benefits you could salary package depends on your industry and employer.

How it works: Simply choose your sector or organisation, fill in your employer’s details, your gross annual salary and which state you’re located in, as well as any additional information. Our salary package calculator will then help you determine your take home pay and estimated savings.

Find the right salary package for you.






Let’s do this!

To save on tax by salary packaging, call us on 1300 132 532, speak to your Salary Packaging Account Manager or simply fill out our enquiry form and a Paywise representative will be in touch shortly.

Get in touch


    If you are interested in receiving a call about how you can save salary packaging enquire here. Feel free to be as detailed as possible and a Paywise representative will get in touch with you.