Novated leasing.

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Novated lease next car and save!

Paywise offers a cost-effective and convenient way to pay for the purchase and running costs of car. We negotiate competitive pricing PLUS you’ll save on the GST on the purchase price (not to mention on fuel, servicing, and tyres too!). With our affordable novated leasing options for eligible employees across Australia, you’ll be driving away in new car and saving sooner than you think!

Salary packaging a vehicle explained.

What is a novated lease?

A novated lease is a type of arrangement where your employer makes payments from your pre-tax salary to cover the running costs and finance for your vehicle.

By taking out a novated lease with Paywise, receive significant tax savings and you could also enjoy a reduced purchase price on your vehicle.

Finance, fuel, servicing, rego… we arrange it all!

Our fully inclusive novated lease package includes fuel, servicing, registration, fully comprehensive insurance, tyres, any other vehicle running costs, PLUS the financing of the vehicle purchase! Our team takes care of the entire process for you.

Convenience as you drive.

We make life easier with the Paywise Fuel Card to purchase fuel, tyres, servicing and more with your pre-tax salary. Or if you choose to pay out of your own pocket, a reimbursement claim is easy with our mobile app!

Novated lease inclusions.

Car finance 2



Fuel / Charging







Car Insurance

Comprehensive insurance

How does a novated lease compare to other types of finance?

People often ask how this compares with a standalone car loan. We’ve done some sums below that demonstrate the impact it can have on your finances.

Remember! A novated lease also includes all your car’s running costs – not just the finance.

How much does a novated lease cost?

Our fully inclusive novated lease package includes fuel, servicing, and registration. For a better idea of how much a novated lease costs, see examples of popular vehicle models and how much they’ll cost you, and equally as important, how much you’ll save by taking the car under a novated lease with Paywise!

What are the benefits of a novated car lease for an employee?

The advantages of a novated car lease for employees in Australia are almost endless. Not only do you save on the GST on the purchase price and running costs, but you can pay for some or all of your vehicle finance and running costs with your pre-tax salary, meaning you’ll pay less tax!*

Myth busting facts about novated leases!

  1. There is no minimum amount of kilometres you need to drive to benefit from a novated lease.
  2. The car can be for personal use – it doesn’t matter if you don’t need the car for work.
  3. You don’t need to be on a big salary – if you pay tax, there are savings to be made!
  4. The car is registered in your name. Just like if you took out a standalone car loan, the car is yours.
  5. You get to keep the car at the end of the lease period – if you want to that is. (See below)

What happens at the end of a novated lease?

Paywise will be with you every step of the way ensuring you take the best option for you.

Upgrade your car

Upgrade your car

Using trade/sale proceeds to payout the residual balance.


Refinance the lease

Continue leasing the car for another term.


Payout the lease

Pay the balance to the finance provider and own car outright.

Vehicle trade-in

Sell-back the car

We’ll sell the car on your behalf.

Let’s do this!

To find out about how we can help with your next car or to get a quote, call 1300 132 532 or Contact us online.

Available to approved applicants employed by eligible employers only. This material is general information only and does not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs.
Before making a decision you should consult your independent legal, taxation and financial advisor for advice relating to your personal circumstances. Conditions, fees and charges may apply.
Novated Lease payments on vehicles not eligible for Fringe Benefits Tax exemption are split between pre-tax and post-tax income.